believe with the modern day huge increase in the use of
telecommunications and electronic equipments, we need the best shielding
to protect our music signals from these intensifying storms of EMI and
RFI interferences. Older designs of Hi Fi cable shielding method may
fast become inadequate in providing the kind of protection needed
nowadays, especially in the densely populated busy cities.
We need
the best shielding than ever before, for all our interconnects and
speaker cables.
copper shielding offers the best EMI and RFI shielding. Precision made
locking type plug offers the best grounding
- together these designs
protect the music from outside interferences and provide a solid
"ground" for the music to dance on (instead of a
"ground" that dances along with the music which spells distortions to
your music and your ears!!).
We also
believe and understand that our ears are very sensitive to and very
easily fatigued by musical distortions due to
"skin-effects", and
distortions due to "intermodulation".
We eliminate these distortions by sound fundamental cable designs,
instead of coming up with new snake oils (new models, new break
throughs...you name it) from time to time.
To eliminate musical distortion due to "skin-effects":
TMC Cables use a
single thin copper tubing
riding on an aluminum rod as the center conductor.
The aluminum is used mainly as a support, and is relatively
non-conductive to the musical signal in this application.
This design forces most, if not all, of the music signal to flow along
the thin layer of copper tubing, thereby eliminates distortion due to "skin-effects"
to your music signal.
To eliminate distortions due to "intermodulation":
TMC Cables use a
corrugated solid copper tubing
(not mesh) as the outer conductor.
The outer conductor
is bonded to the center conductor by quality foam-air dielectric to
eliminate relative movements between conductors.
And no part of the
conductor is exposed (except for soldering for termination) for
degradation by oxidation.
These designs
eliminate musical distortions due to intermodulation and degradation by
oxidation associated with mesh shielding.
With this
"Concentric twin- tubes
conductors design", TMC offers
one of the best (if not the best) Hi Fi cable system for modern day use.
that you don't even notice before, together with
distortions that you used to
blame your amp or your speaker for,
will be gone.
go to our products pages for details. You will find these cables very
quiet, very precise, very neutral, with extremely detailed and real sound
With our 45-days full money back guarantee, we invite you to
experience the joy of using our cables in the
comfort of your own home and with your own system. And let your ears and
hearts be the critics.
Please also note that our cables are considered a bit "stiff" compared
to most other commercial Hi Fi cables. Please click here for details and
facts about handling and installation of "stiff" Hi Fi cables.
Our cables put the life back into the music.
They impart no listening fatigue, that is why we say this from our own
you don’t have the time, don’t switch these cables on , or you will be
late for your next appointment.”
see what our
customers say about our cables....
(As testimonials build, it may take slightly longer to load
this page;
please be patient...thankyou...)
the use of our cables to listen to music can be addictive.